1. Sonic Boom of Jodhpur

As one might know, sonic boom is something that happens when an airplane breaks past the speed of sound, thus making it a rare sight, since planes do not fly at such speed when they are close to residential areas. What others believe to be an Air-force event, this sonic boom on December 18, 2012 remains a closed mystery. Army denied performing any such activity from their end and this boom clanged the entire city.

2.Village of Twins

Kodhini village in Kerala is called the ‘Village of Twins’ due to the strikingly large number of twin births in the village. Not only that, whoever leaves this village and go to another place and gives birth they also end up having twins. This village currently claims to be having 200 pairs of twins.

3.Bullet Baba Temple

This temple is known as the Bullet Baba’s temple and is dedicated to a person, Om Banna, who died in an accident 20 years ago while driving his ‘bullet’. According to the people who come here to worship the odd god, when Om’s bike was taken to the local police station after the accident, it kept disappearing from the police station only to be found at another site each time. The news about this miracle spread like wildfire and the bike is now the idol in the temple. 

4. Malcha Mahal

Located near earth station , entry is not allowed. Many stories about this are famous. You need to be brave enough to visit this site itself, located inside the thick jungle. Main gate is locked and blocked. The Malcha Mahal is one time wonder and forgotten with the passage of time. The life of The Princess and Prince is filled with miseries. The board  saying that who so ever tried to visit has never come back and many hound dogs will get behind you. Just avoid your visit.

5. Shanti Devi Reincarnation

 Shanti Devi was born on December 11, 1926 in a little known town of Delhi. She did not speak much until she reached the age of 4 but otherwise she was just a normal girl like any other in the locality.At the age of four, the little girl started claiming that the home where she lived was not her real home and that her parents were not her real parents. She even claimed that her name was Lugdi and not Shanti Devi. Shanti Devi even claimed that she was married and had a son with her husband. She said that her husband lived in Mathura  but never uttered his name.